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Contact your Airmarshal.

Pile of AIPs.An Airmarshal maintains the PocketFMS AeroData for a specific region. If you have a remark regarding the AeroData, we very much invite you to send the appropriate Airmarshal your feedback via the form below.

Please do NOT use this form for other matters such as questions on licences; our Airmarshals cannot help you with that. If you have remarks that are not related to the AeroData (such as program-, website- or payment-related remarks), please select [Contact the Crew] on the left and proceed from there - an Airmarshal cannot help you with those issues.

Sending an AeroData Report.

Please select the region (FIR / ARTCC) that you have feedback for, so your message reaches the proper Airmarshal directly. Please provide as detailed information as you can. Mention unique identifiers, such as ICAO codes and names, and if possible a source document where your information comes from. If you appreciate an answer from the Airmarshal, please provide a correct email address.
You will (of course!) not receive spam by doing so, as stated in our Privacy Policy.

Thanks for helping us - and your fellow pilots in the region!

Region / FIR / ARTCC:
Multiple FIRs for that region? Just pick one of those.

Now sorted by Region name. [Sort by ICAO code]
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Must be valid if you expect an answer!
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What does the 'F' in 'VFR' stand for?
Use proper English please.


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